Monday 4 December 2023



Back home, and glad to report I drive just as poorly as I did before. Berlin beware !! 


Connie xx

Sunday 26 November 2023


You must keep at it while it's flowing! (and when it's not, you should also keep at it apparently, though I am dreadful at that. Too much effort)

Like Buwowki would put it... 

I hate that poem; a ton of brilliant writers would have left us without their masterpieces had they listened to this genius outsider. But as I am not exactly one of those, neither a genius though yes and outsider, I have decided to follow suit and write only when it's pouring out of me. The rest of the time I sit at the keyboard only when it pays. I don't even check my private emails anymore, I have tens of thousands waiting somewhere. I have erased every boring part of my life out —other than the 45 hours slaved-labor every week, more than enough if you ask me—.

Happy Sunday, Earthlins. No long to Tuesday now, hang in there. Those second-living happy two Sundays !!

Saturday 28 October 2023


 Back in Berlin, lovely Saturday morning and a few surprises, all to do with bicycles for some reason.

Dorita, you might want to visit the ladies down the road ;) 

happy weekend, earthlins xx

Thursday 5 October 2023




Modue makes a point of leaving a small but precious letter every time she passes by even though I have not opened the door or come out to play in weeks. Just a precious little letter to say hi and bring a smile to my face. 

God save letterboxes !!

Monday 17 July 2023

Monday 27 March 2023



When the shit gets hard AND GOSH IT'S HARD IN RL AT THE MOMENT nothing like decorating your SL home and dance to MJ's Thriller

Sunday 9 October 2022

Another Baby

 I knew he was bothered. Mitch wasn't even looking at Igor as he calmed the beasts of Whitechapel with his craft.

 "I am well my darling, I promise you" he lied. No use, I knew better— after all I had been causing him havoc for the past six years.

 Igor, in the meantime, pretended not to follow and continued to play as if his life depended on it, which in those parts might actually have been a good move; anything could spark the anger of the East Enders in the 1880s.

That bloody violin made me thirsty. Thirst ! that's it! I thought. that will ease Mitch's mood!

But no...not even whisky. Mitch slouched over the table, eyes lost, not even holding his glass, or me for that matter. I understood, of course. We belonged to the same tribe. I would have felt equally broken had I been in his shoes, but I wasn't; I was one of the lucky ones, and I  knew that irritated him further.

But nevermind the bollocks! the fact of the pudding was Mitch was devastated about another baby. I know, I am also a time traveller from the future, I also feel lust and joy when I am close to some of them, but at the same time I am human! I started brewing anger as he sat there like a wet noodle. 

Put yourself together, Freckles! I cheered myself up; this was what coupling is all about! "for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health and in fucked up humor"

That's it! I thought. As the Spaniards say, 'time to grasp the bull by the horns! though in this case I was the one wearing a good pair.

I left my glass on the sticky table and sat closer to him, holding his hands on mine. 

"My darling, I know. I know I did it first. I know mine is a beast; that  the graphics are shocking. I know it goes 3,000 frames per second when we play games; I know the keyboard shines in the dark;  but baby... in only twenty four hours you will have a laptop just like mine"

Mitch let go off  my hands. He sat very straight and said:

"What are you saying woman!" he served himself another drink, smirked and hissed "MY NEW LAPTOP IS THE BEST"

Tuesday 23 August 2022


 I might have been away a long while but tonight I made for lost time.


San Marco, isn't it something? My driver says it looks as pretty as the real thing. I have no idea what she means, she's not well poor thing. She thinks her world is the real thing. One day I will tell you about my driver's world so you can laugh with me. TAXI 


then, at 2.00 pm SL there is... the Keller of course. Here Jo errr... preparing for battle.

Quiet evening, it looks like Berliners are enjoying the warm weather in the Tiergarten.  More giggle water for us me says! Specially since Morgy continues to fall asleep in his feet. Only three of us to share.


Caddy has taken to drinking beer the German way. When in Rome... 

And then the cherry in the cake - can't disclose the secret location of our Violets night. In a few words, lemonade, breathtaking views, even more breathtaking company and private beaches, ahem again.

 Dora showing us her Summer villa. It's windy in Ca... there!

limonade and cigarrets and the sun falling. What was that book you mentioned? Extraordinary Women by Sir Compton Mackenzie. And extraordinary book considering when — and by whom — it was written!

I guess we will fly back to Berlin tomorrow. For now it's beedy byes for me. 

oh, Mikk is in love. Love love this time it seems. She is magic.



  Back home, and glad to report I drive just as poorly as I did before. Berlin beware !!  Küsse Connie xx