Thursday, 27 February 2025



Still trapped, but in the odd moments I allow myself to rest I am reading a curious thing. It's a magic book one of the veterans used to read at the Keller. It hasn't been written yet and it won't be written for another 63 years, I had to ask my RL driver to send me a copy. It wasn't easy. Smuggling objects between time/space is strictly forbidden, it can break the fabric of spacetime whatever that is, and apparently no seamstress can repair such fabric. Or that is what They tell us.

This kind of rules reminds me of the tree of knowledge in paradise. Why is it that the Gods don't want us to participate in the knowledge of all things and frighten us with death or worse and yet place appetizers like the tree in the garden Eve shouldn't have eaten from? After all we are part of them... those "all-things"  and have been given a brain... or some of us have, anyway. I don't think mine works particularly well *Connie blushes*  but some people around me could do the job better than the Gods; Actually... that's probably why They don't want us to meddle with things. Mm... maybe this book will answer that question.

I wonder how the veteran could read through it, the font used is tiny. It's a good thing I still have good sight. My RL driver said she couldn't read it to save her life. And it's long, over 700 pages long. I love long though *wiggles eyebrows*. 

I also wonder what that gentleman was doing reading a book full of leftists, though of course is also full of "rightists". And so philosophical. I didn't think soldiers had any interest other than to take enemies' lives and win medals and look martial and handsome in their uniforms.

But above all The Discovery of Heaven is funny, I find myself reading aloud and chuckling to myself.

 So basically: an angel comes up with a plot to fulfill a certain mission - I still don't know myself what this mission consists on - and to do so he/she/them...  (angels being the first genre fluid characters in history..)  will need to manipulate a group of humans to carry out the mission on his behalf in Earth. 

Anyway, I suspect this is going to keep me entertained for a while, though I still would much rather be back in Berlin with you lot. Or even better, be back in Berlin with you lot while readying The Discovery of Heaven at the Keller with a huge glass of whiskey on the table. *Connie pauses for breath*

Miss you dearly, I should be back on Saturday. Leave some bubbly for me pretty please. And keep on reading, it's the only solution to whatever mess both worlds are heading towards 

Saturday, 22 February 2025


 Taryn (nowhereg1rl)

Without a doubt. 

Visit her (profile) if you don't believe me.

Going to bed laughing hysterically to myself.

PS _ apologies. This is another oldie I never published at the time; but I cannot really send any fresh news due to being away at the moment, I hope her profile still shows as it was when it gave me a fit of laughter! 

I am so sorry I haven't been able to get back for this long, trying to keep up with frl Vorseck is proving more challenging than expected (and my driver in RL is about to jump out of a window apparently, I don't know the details but it sounds severe. I hope there are flying cars and taxis in the future and one can catch her and take her to safety ... I keep on telling her to move back in time, she could live with me and the girls in 1929 if she promises to give up that horrendous noise she calls music of late,  but she insists I don't know what's awaiting for us in the 1930s *Connie gnaws her nails nervously*).  Either way, I hope you are all doing well, specially my two girls! and that I get to see you all soon for some more Charleston, mischief and bubbly. 



Thursday, 13 February 2025


 As I am away from town for a few days I'll take the chance to publish a few forgotten photos from the Queens night, it's not called like that but I cannot remember the name... *scratches her head* 

Moi, dancing with the handsome Mikk. Verona to my left, Fray Verona! She is facing Herr Cice (Oz's Dorothy) and his straw(wo)man *whispers: who was, of course, his muse, Oda*

You'll have to forgive me, I am awful with names. I have forgotten who this interesting "gentleman" is.

I do remember this one well though ;) but I won't disclose her name... I mean... his name *coughs*

Fray verona... 

I believe she is Celine? she is not in disguise but in the shadows!

the most handsome actor ever, Mikk. And a very golden moi. *takes a mental note to go on a diet, that rear challenges physics as we know them* 

I am not sure who this beauty is but the "Dorothy" behind her has impressive leg muscles! le piace la bicicleta ;) 

Daphne ... *fans herself*

Dorita as elegant and debonair as usual.

Oh this was hysterical ...

This ... I mean... Tequila with her mustached husband ... unhinged !  I have never seen so much or so long a hair in any living (or dead) creature! The Venus of Hairdo!

The dreamy Bryon *sighs*

Georgina and our handsome cigarette boy ...

The pipe gives me away... and the rear, of course...

Little yogurt... errr... I mean Edu! mesmerised, probably by the Venus of Hairdo!


A folk curiosity and a dog !

*covers her eyes*

the three musketeers ...

Herr Clarrington... awake? *Connie rubs her eyes to make sure*

I think the trauma of seeing herr Cice in skirts will last me a lifetime

And then, when everyone was asleep a very secret rendezvous ... 

a lady with a foreigner in the dark ...No idea who he was. Maybe I dreamed him. Too much bubbly

Cheerio my darlings! I hope you are doing well! enjoy my Berlin for me and make sure the commies go nowhere near my properties!!

Wednesday, 12 February 2025



"I crossed oceans of time to find" my firend ;)... only to be booted out of my laptop. I hope this reaches you. I am now out of combat until Saturday (work) so don't expect to hear from me until then. I hope I can sort out my toy before then and that you are ok. Whatever you do, please do it indoors I don't want to return to find a frozen corpse however virtual in my rooftop.

My RL driver asked me to publish this strange message, I warned you she's gone blooming bananas lately, I won't try to make any sense of it and leave it here as instructed by her ladyship. 

Happy Wednesday, earthlings. I too shall be away for a few days, writing my next best seller, I must catch up with Frl Vorseck !! I leave my beautiful girls in the capable hands of my maid Dimple *coughs*.

Bis später !

Friday, 7 February 2025



I really like how it's coming along. I copied this room from my favorite Lindenwirtin in the past (I think it was when Henry was running it, but I can't remember for sure. Whoever it was, thank you, it was gorgeous. I hope I do it justice). 

Zur Lindenwirtin, the Berlin Herrenclub, has always been my favorite building in town. Who knows? maybe I've always had a certain vocation *winks*

I hope we can make it flourish again altogether, bring it as alive and bubbly as it used to be in the old times.

I had my RL driver give me a hand with the poster offering a job, it didn't turn out too bad I think : 

Of course the old gal made a typo (online?? instead of on site..) but considering how blooming bananas she is at the moment I was expecting worse.

While I finished decorating the herrenclub, I spotted Herr Osterham in his silver bird. Such handsome ... aircraft! 

Is it me or we all look younger by the minute here? That might explain why everyone wants to live in Berlin these days...

My most favorite word-rival's views from her new apartment, she has moved into Amelie and George's old apartment at the very top of that fancy block by the cinema. It's so sad ... still I am very glad it will be Gyna taking it over.

And there's also been changes in my house in "Lesbensstrasse". I should say 'our house' probably now. 
So, I have moved the office to my bedroom.

...the reason being, of course, our new residents ! Meetha and Ash, my daughters. I am a mom... mother... *shakes her head, still unable to believe she is indeed a mother*. In the end I have decided to prepare them a room in both houses. I want them to be with me wherever I go!! it's a working process, I would like them to chose the furniture themselves. I hope they are very happy. Ash is very expressive and sweet, she seems very excited. Meetha is more reserved, it's hard to know what's going on in that pretty head of hers. I can't wait to spend precious time with them both. 

and that's all for now my darlings. 
have a beautiful rest of the day night ! and remember ... 

Wednesday, 5 February 2025



When your city suddenly vanishes from the map because you forgot to turn off the taps in the bath overnight… and now the whole of Berlin has sunk into the sea.

Herr Cice rightly pointed out that Tiergarten remains untouched—naturally, the rich always know where to buy property, just like in real life. *winks*

Thankfully, my two new daughters (and Batman, our new dog) can swim, though Ash washed up in a weird place, surrounded by strangers, wearing only her underwear. *shakes head*

No word from my maid yet, but I’m sure she’s fine. As we say back home, “nasty bug never dies.”

Happy Wednesday, earthlings!

안녕 !! <3 


  Still trapped, but in the odd moments I allow myself to rest I am reading a curious thing. It's a magic book one of the veterans used ...