Thursday, 27 February 2025



Still trapped, but in the odd moments I allow myself to rest I am reading a curious thing. It's a magic book one of the veterans used to read at the Keller. It hasn't been written yet and it won't be written for another 63 years, I had to ask my RL driver to send me a copy. It wasn't easy. Smuggling objects between time/space is strictly forbidden, it can break the fabric of spacetime whatever that is, and apparently no seamstress can repair such fabric. Or that is what They tell us.

This kind of rules reminds me of the tree of knowledge in paradise. Why is it that the Gods don't want us to participate in the knowledge of all things and frighten us with death or worse and yet place appetizers like the tree in the garden Eve shouldn't have eaten from? After all we are part of them... those "all-things"  and have been given a brain... or some of us have, anyway. I don't think mine works particularly well *Connie blushes*  but some people around me could do the job better than the Gods; Actually... that's probably why They don't want us to meddle with things. Mm... maybe this book will answer that question.

I wonder how the veteran could read through it, the font used is tiny. It's a good thing I still have good sight. My RL driver said she couldn't read it to save her life. And it's long, over 700 pages long. I love long though *wiggles eyebrows*. 

I also wonder what that gentleman was doing reading a book full of leftists, though of course is also full of "rightists". And so philosophical. I didn't think soldiers had any interest other than to take enemies' lives and win medals and look martial and handsome in their uniforms.

But above all The Discovery of Heaven is funny, I find myself reading aloud and chuckling to myself.

 So basically: an angel comes up with a plot to fulfill a certain mission - I still don't know myself what this mission consists on - and to do so he/she/them...  (angels being the first genre fluid characters in history..)  will need to manipulate a group of humans to carry out the mission on his behalf in Earth. 

Anyway, I suspect this is going to keep me entertained for a while, though I still would much rather be back in Berlin with you lot. Or even better, be back in Berlin with you lot while readying The Discovery of Heaven at the Keller with a huge glass of whiskey on the table. *Connie pauses for breath*

Miss you dearly, I should be back on Saturday. Leave some bubbly for me pretty please. And keep on reading, it's the only solution to whatever mess both worlds are heading towards 

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  Still trapped, but in the odd moments I allow myself to rest I am reading a curious thing. It's a magic book one of the veterans used ...