Wednesday, 21 April 2021



I always looked at the lady with respect. How otherwise?

With Frau Jo herself, Sonatta was without a doubt the Goddess of Berlin. 

That is Berlin Project 1929, the sim in SL where time travel became a reality. And Sonatta was, to a large extent, one of the wonderful avatars who made the magic possible.

Yes, I had always looked at her with respect. The way one looks at terribly famous people or her real-life heroes; I even took her for someone slightly haughty— that is until the night she let me take that photo. She had been preparing the inaugural show in London 1940s. She obliged, nearly abashed somehow as if surprised by the attention, then she posed for ages until I let her get on. There was a smile in the way this lady did things.

The last I heard of her was that she couldn't carry out her burlesque show in EL DORADO as every Saturday, she wasn't well. 

1929 and every year since will now never be the same.




Friday, 9 April 2021



Delicious little bar by the sea.

With plenty of opportunities for nice photos and romantic times;

And very good music to treat those pixelated ears;

and a PLAYABLE pool table!! (also a 4 in Row playable game, one of these days I must learn to play games in SL :));

the atmosphere is just perfect, and there are some very cool and unusual pieces of furniture that suit the place like a glove.

In fact so nice is this bar that one doesn't just tick the passport and leaves, I wish I had some friends around at the moment to share some pints here with! 

oh well, I can do with a nice glass of wine while I write this post for the blog. And for those Bellisserians with time and friends for a pint and a game of pool in a beautiful place by the sea, the taxi :


  Still trapped, but in the odd moments I allow myself to rest I am reading a curious thing. It's a magic book one of the veterans used ...