God playing with Bender again, it figures....
Connie's RL driver is off, and what better way to use her time than spending some lindens!
Look at the precious cabinet Nutmeg has come up with, and—unlike most of their creations—this beauty doesn't come loaded with prims! There are two versions, with or without the jar on its side. With 4 land impact and without 3 only. *wishpering* and it is only 60 lindens today at their shop: nutmeg shop
/Connie dances around the kitchen
PS - have a beautiful Saturday, Berliners!!! Carpe Diem... and then some!!!
And Friday arrived, thank the fairies for that.
I thought to share this:
for the revellers
happy Friday, Berliners!
(thank you to
Charlie Chaplin channel in YouTube <3 <3 <3)
Although this film won't be made for another 23 years, today it's Monday and I thought you could all do with a wonderful present.
PS - I will love these two men from the bottom of my heart until my dying day.
Connie's mother was quite correct,
there is something insanely sexy about a good pair of shoes,
not to speak of two!
Happy Sunday, Berliners—Connie will pass it working unfortunately so someone will need to get up to the mischief she will leave unattended!
While at my previous address, I used to find Frau Marcoud-Ross looking at me - I thought - from her window up above.
Only when I started hearing the hubbub of love and laughter coming from the apartment above mine, and I caught Herr Ross visiting the pretty photographer there, I realised what Amelie was really staring at:
... and while I wait for the decorators to finish the house, I found what the garden needed to look really magical!
Gi, Juliette, Gyna and myself in our baby suits and a few hats and shoes.
PS - and so it was that Behrenstrasse 7 got its name:
Please let me know if you notice I am not wearing my ears—I tend to forget to put them on some days. Though sometimes is rather useful!!
can't wait for the landlady to have my new house in the Behrenstrasse decorated! my forever home in Berlin! for another two weeks at least. Yes, I have moved again, my third home in so many months!
Behrenstrasse is a quiet street of beautiful villas. I miss the buzz of the city center of course, and having Gyna wave from her office window across the road, but my new home is big and beautiful and can cater for crazy parties and the most important thing of all... for wine cellars!
I only hope my very respectful and quiet neighbors don't mind craziness too much.
...Dr Braun arrived in town! There's something about this woman I don't like at all. Perhaps it is her greasy hair or the way in which she puffs her cigarette, perhaps it's just that though she deals with heads she is meddling up with our alcoholic affair!
((...but what a gorgeous avatar!! and how much fun. Every time someone like this turns up I feel like finding out whose ALT she is if only to congratulate her/him—but that would break the enchantment, right? Let the games begin!))
What a well-read coven we formed last night, under the Moon and over the Sun. We read some delicious poems and talked of no less delicious prose, curiously enough some written by men, not women. I chose one that reminds me a lot of myself—I had to go for the 1800s, I am a total donkey when it comes to the classics, I am afraid. Something to improve in the future!
There it goes:
They shut me up in Prose –
They shut me up in Prose –
As when a little Girl
They put me in the Closet –
Because they liked me “still” –
Still! Could themself have peeped –
And seen my Brain – go round –
They might as wise have lodged a Bird
For Treason – in the Pound –
Himself has but to will
And easy as a Star
Look down upon Captivity –
And laugh – No more have I –
Still trapped, but in the odd moments I allow myself to rest I am reading a curious thing. It's a magic book one of the veterans used ...