Thursday, 26 August 2021


 Something's coming to Berlin, other than the fog ((sky - Centralia Pennsylvania if anyone fancies a foggy day with me));

Races on Sundayyyyyy

((how I missed driving like a lunatic through the streets of this city! I have already eaten half the street lamps ... Sunday is going to be lethal...)

PS - I have finished the novel in both worlds whohooooo. I am story-orphan now :'( 

PSS - Connie starts working on her acceptance speech for the race award on Sunday, after giving both Charles and Einar a run for their money

Friday, 20 August 2021



Yep, they arrived.

Connie had a quick stroll through  their sample area earlier and found it beautiful. OK OK, fair enough, the inside of the houses are a little too modern perhaps? our molls could have found different wallpapers or less angular walls, kind of Gaudi's style perhaps 

but hey! the area is wonderful for those into that kind of RP—a mixture of Lord of the Rings and Avatar - and the houses are cute, and appropriate. I am sure many of our creators will be soon working hard in designing beautiful fantasy wallpapers and partitions to add to them so we can feel more Elfik while living in any of their eight models. 

and, by the way, it's Friday lovely people! make every second count!

Thursday, 19 August 2021



Well... I don't know what gave Gi P. e Bragança the idea of choosing Connie as the Godmother of one of her twins (Caterina), certainly not the best idea. Connie nearly suffocated the baby as she tried to keep her quiet while her brother went through the Christian ordeal first, and then —when her turn came—forgot totally what to say and how to say it; and in regards to sustaining her Goddaughter's faith in the future? well, let's ask her husband, shall we? oh! I forgot— he is missing! or worse. But she wasn't the worse of the lot I guess—even though her friend Eva sat at the very back of the church her snoring could be heard all the way to the altar!

On the other side, Connie did very much enjoy her Caterina's Godfather, Marcus! Poor young man, let's hope he knows best than to have anything to do with the woman.

Sunday, 1 August 2021


 Splendid dinner at the Iron Duke in 1916, congratulations to the crew and its owner, Mr Charron! 

The company a pleasure and I have no idea where they got so much delicious food and spirits from! I hadn't seen so much treasure since before the war! astounding. 

We even had some officers visiting from abroad, no sharks and the best part... no Germans! errr other than the very nice German Mr Heinz <dries her forehead with her gloved hand>.

Sadly I had to leave early, time travelling is complicated—but I have never enjoyed wartime quite this much before! I will take me until the next one to digest all that food... 

happy night, morning, afternoon, evening, time travellers!



  Still trapped, but in the odd moments I allow myself to rest I am reading a curious thing. It's a magic book one of the veterans used ...