Sunday, 5 September 2021

Of course I won

 It was pandemonium! Absolute insanity. We didn't know if we were coming or going ... literally. But soooo much fun.

Solstice and Tequilita glued at their hips— also literally.

Herr Clarrington, preparing the event, as awesome as ever.

Pedrinho making sure everything ran completely out of control.

Bjorn looking the part.

Bjorn, the sweet Mieke, your humble servant moi, Meadow lost in thought and the happy couple.

Zila in the background, Einar wondering where his wife was and the stunner Darleena on the clouds.

Meadow with an impressive pink baby—don't get fooled by the colour.

Bjorn, Pauline and ... no idea who.

That strange old lady... *shivers*

Our Landlady and bartender, who kept on screaming "WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIEEEE" at the top of her lungs to put us racers at ease nicely.

The ladies, close, too close for comfort.

Sweet Mieke wisely chose a safe spot to follow the craziness. 

The ladies... again —what can I say, they look too good I couldn't resist myself; plus I had nothing to do while we waited for the GO.

The winning lady, moi, with Pedrinho in his toy motor, and the happy couple. Oh! You can see Buggy, my darling darling motorcar, by their side, still pristine. I am good, what can I say.

Celebrations at the keller with our Fritz who couldn't find a car big enough sniff. My last beer garden of 1929 —dries a pixelated tear.

Zila, after taking care of a few broken bones —eh, Rodrigo?

Elco and the beautiful Meadow who looked as if she had just come out of the hairdressers and not from an insane race around the city.

Tequilita decided her "Solstice" needed some make-up.

The ladies again... I am a sucker for fashion, and for ladies, I know.

So much elegance, and what a miracle, not a sign of soot on those pretty dresses

... and more ladies! I know ... I know... humour me, I am nearly done.

Pedrinho, the only man brave enough to endure my dancing.

My word rival and shoe connoisseur ... the fierce Gyna.

and to prove that I didn't dream it... Clarrington wisely suggested I turned it into a lamp. It shines proudly in my bedroom.


  Still trapped, but in the odd moments I allow myself to rest I am reading a curious thing. It's a magic book one of the veterans used ...