Thursday, 23 December 2021

WINTER SOLSTICE IN THE WANNSEE - and a certain wedding

And so it came to happen, that herr Solstice and Frl Mockingbird became even more joined by the heap. I hope I never have to fall in love and en up using one of those horrid couple walking huds...

As I predicted, Tequila realised before the 'I do' what she was about to do and did a runner as the Brits would say. Luckily for 'Solstice', she came back in time though and the ceremony (officiated by Capitain Cad, who needed a shot or two of rum to carry out the deed) got to a succesful ending (for herr Solstice anyway). 

I cannot go into too much detail, as Dorita asked me to write a piece for the Tageblatt, but it was a bit of a wet wedding — no it was not raining, but right in the middle of the Wannsee, and in a boat *shivers* ; our beloved landlady turned up with a new dress which caused several of us to faint and in the end of the ceremony (which I will describe in more detail when the paper publishes the article) she deligted us with what I thought was Irish stepdance on steroids — I had a laughing fit of such violence those around me thought I was suffering some neurological disorder. 

A bus driven by the always elegant — and terribly versatile — Frau Ross (Amelie) took us back to Berlin. The couple in question got out of the bus early and apparently had a first taste of their honeymoon right there, judging by their appearance when they re-joined us at the Adlone for the reception that happened in the most magical of set ups, a glass & snow wood, all very pagan and enchanting, druid and reindeers included. 

And with this and a cake... till tomorrow at eight as the Spanish go. 

For now just a few (hundred) photos to remember the event. 

PS - thank you all those involved in organising, thank you Cad for the most terrific wedding "script" ever (If I am to agree to marry in either world at last it will be under the condition you do the honors once more, I am sorry), and very specially thanks to the couple for having us sharing the day with them. I am sure I am not alone in wishing them a very long and solstice-magic second life together. 

PSS - Frau Jo has arms.

PSSS- let me repeat that. Frau Jo has arms. *faints again*




  Still trapped, but in the odd moments I allow myself to rest I am reading a curious thing. It's a magic book one of the veterans used ...