Tuesday, 23 August 2022


 I might have been away a long while but tonight I made for lost time.


San Marco, isn't it something? My driver says it looks as pretty as the real thing. I have no idea what she means, she's not well poor thing. She thinks her world is the real thing. One day I will tell you about my driver's world so you can laugh with me. TAXI 


then, at 2.00 pm SL there is... the Keller of course. Here Jo errr... preparing for battle.

Quiet evening, it looks like Berliners are enjoying the warm weather in the Tiergarten.  More giggle water for us me says! Specially since Morgy continues to fall asleep on his feet. Only three of us to share.


Caddy has taken to drinking beer the German way. When in Rome... 

And then the cherry in the cake - can't disclose the secret location of our Violets night. In a few words, lemonade, breathtaking views, even more breathtaking company and private beaches, ahem again.

 Dora showing us her Summer villa. It's windy in Ca... there!

lemonade and cigarettes' and the sun falling. What was that book you mentioned? Extraordinary Women by Sir Compton Mackenzie. And extraordinary book considering when — and by whom — it was written!

I guess we will fly back to Berlin tomorrow. For now it's beedy byes for me. 

oh, Mikk is in love. Love love this time it seems. She is magic.



  Still trapped, but in the odd moments I allow myself to rest I am reading a curious thing. It's a magic book one of the veterans used ...