Sunday 26 November 2023


You must keep at it while it's flowing! (and when it's not, you should also keep at it apparently, though I am dreadful at that. Too much effort)

Like Buwowki would put it... 

I hate that poem; a ton of brilliant writers would have left us without their masterpieces had they listened to this genius outsider. But as I am not exactly one of those, neither a genius though yes and outsider, I have decided to follow suit and write only when it's pouring out of me. The rest of the time I sit at the keyboard only when it pays. I don't even check my private emails anymore, I have tens of thousands waiting somewhere. I have erased every boring part of my life out —other than the 45 hours slaved-labor every week, more than enough if you ask me—.

Happy Sunday, Earthlins. No long to Tuesday now, hang in there. Those second-living happy two Sundays !!

Beauty and The Poor.

  It all started very innocently this morning, sunrise drive to the Tiergarten to inspect my new land. The builders haven't arrived yet ...