Monday, 7 October 2024

Beauty and The Poor.

 It all started very innocently this morning, sunrise drive to the Tiergarten to inspect my new land. The builders haven't arrived yet so it's just a lot of ... grass. While next door my most "hated" writing rival, Gyna, enjoys 2 plots exuding luxury. Then breakfast at the Kranzler while Berlin slept still. 

But on my way home, who turns up brandishing a sword? A commie of course! these bloody leftists know nothing of common curtsy. Her Cice's first visit to my imposing abode, and neighbourhood, and he points his thing at me. I didn't take it sitting down and drew my laser gun, zapping him into oblivion...I thought. Perhaps I should have taken it sitting down after all, or even lying face down on the floor, considering what Herr Cice pulled out next ...

Yes, it was indeed a bazooka he kindly shot at me, well, at my whole property. My Landlady is not going to be a happy bunny. 

The moral of the story is... move to a gated community. And if you can't, just praise the size of their metal and invite them to a cup of tea and a tour of your property. Don't go pointing any type of weapon at them!!

PS- My Gy... my "most hated" rival, Gyna also visited, but I was too busy squeezing her hand under the table to remember taking a photo of the three of us together.


  Still trapped, but in the odd moments I allow myself to rest I am reading a curious thing. It's a magic book one of the veterans used ...