Monday, 30 December 2024

CHISTMAS 1929 ((2024))


And so, Christmas got to Berlin and with it... the snow! 

Everyone took to the streets with their brand new umbrellas. 

Herr Blaisdale (Florian) braving the weather to keep us all warm with his delightful glühwein !! (and he shared his magical recipe from RL — whatever RL is — for us all in there, have a look before he takes it away! it's well worth it.

The charity ball at the Library was once more beautifully hosted by Frau Payne. I loved every minute of it but the most interesting event in there, in addition to the foreign soldiers in attendance (very handsome but covered in horrid scars) was the mysterious knight who kissed Frau Jo all over. Yes yes you read correctly. I don't think Frau Jo was in her senses when it happened but it did happen.

then came the magical night at the Luna park in the Tiergarten where we all celebrated the wedding anniversary of one of the most brilliant ladies and one of the most... moustached old boys in town, the Mockingbirds. I would give an arm and a leg to dance half as good as them... 

the Year is coming to an end and it was announced that the beautiful photo studio at the very top of the building where the Kransler welcomes us all, is again available for rent. Or it was a few hours ago, but judging by the attention it attracted the minute it was made public... I wouldn't hold my breath. Shame my skills at photography are even worse than my dancing skills!

There were love stories as well of course, I won't give names but I did spot some gentlemen keeping an eye across the street from some ladies *winks*
Some new faces..

And some old and beautiful ... 

Did I mention beautiful?

I really have to start taking driving lessons again. Or perhaps avoiding parking altogether, or whisky or even better ... both!

We even had some long lost friends from other lives come and say hallo! 

That's it, Mischief Managed ! oh hang on hang on... we still have 24 hours and a huge end of year party at the Adlone to cause more havoc MUAHAHA. 

Sweet dreams, earthlings ! Please remember... 

Friday, 13 December 2024


 Al usual, it couldn't have started any more innocently, meditating in The GARDEN OF PEACE . It went down hill.. or better, up-peak from there ! 

There's no better way than naked when it comes to having our portrait made, still.. it would have been nice to do this in the middle of summer ... brbrbrbrbrbrrrr. Shhhh you haven't seen anything... 

Warming engines for the festive season. Finished decorating the tree but as usual ended up wasting time getting hypnotized by the photographs instead. I took the chance and purchased a record with the latest Christmas tunes to try and get into the mood. 

Helping Herr Cice set up the new exhibition. Luckily I spotted some watermarks in one of the paintings and saved herr Cice from a very embarrassing situation!!!! 

He spent most of the day vandalizing the ballet posters all over town by means on hanging his on top instead. 

that's where it started going South... 

This was it, at the Keller. When Elco, Mikk and myself discussed with Jo the closure of the brothel. I mean... the brothel... in Berlin ... keeps on closing! we all agree that while it is a wonderful thing for them two to have met, one of the saddest moments for our town was the marriage of herr Henry. A most enthusiastic pim has never set foot in any town I know of. My driver points out that the same goes for role players, I have never known what she means by that, but she is not well in the head that's no mystery. 
We discovered some hidden sides to Frau Jo, that had me in stitches ((but all on brackets of course...)) 

So this brought me to ... 

Of course! the brothel! I have never seen it this empty and sad ... nor that I have ever.. errr... well... on photos *coughs* Anyway, I headed there closely followed by Elco, herr Cutita, who offered to help if I was to manage the place. But he said he didn't want to get involved in the managing nor the paying of the rent, so when I asked how he was thinking of helping exactly, Mikk kindly explained he planned to use the services. Dah! 
And that was it... then I went back home to my new manor at the Tiergarten and like the good girl I am, I went straight to bed with a glass of warm milk and ... oiiii! at least I wasn't fully naked, look closely I am wearing my jewels AND my shoes so there.

Sweet dreams, Berlin. And don't forget : 


Tuesday, 10 December 2024


We've had some exciting changes in SL this year, but none has stirred such strong reactions as our new working-mirrors. Seriously, friends would send me photos of themselves reflected on one of the magical gadgets and when I didn't show much interest they would send me a taxi and invite me over so I could look at myself on one of them and inspect them closely, thinking I perhaps hadn't purchased one myself yet.

I mean... of course, it is quite handy to see where you are going with the lipstick though curiously we don't look any different now we have them, I suspect they are quite unnecessary in this world of ours. I do remember the frustration of finding just nothing in the old ones when I tried to find myself; we were all vampires. If it wasn't for the myriads of photographs and paintings we take of ourselves we would have no idea of how we look like!!

Still, mirrors? is that what we really need around here? a world made of perfect looking people (in our majority) gazing endlessly at ourselves. I hope I am wrong and that we get tired of them some day soon and find something more interesting to look at.

Sunday, 8 December 2024



Another Sunday at sunrise I spent leisurely breakfasting at the prestigious Kranzler cafe. Herr Beolas and Herr Clarrington seem to have been busy last night putting up the Christmas decorations.

Unter den Linden "dressed up".

The UFA "dressed up".

The Opera House "dressed up". By the way, they are showing the Nutcracker ballet there tonight!!! there hasn't been a show in ages. Oh! and I caught the belly of the beast in the sky!!, hey Zeppe(lin)!!

My lovely rival, Gyna, came to share a quick coffee, very unexpectedly — she is quite the night bird.

I took to the Babylon to watch the latest matinee,  "UP THE LADDER". And yes, I am one of those annoying people who cannot watch a movie at the Odeon without planting a lot of pocorn on the carpets, not to talk of the soundtrack I end up adding to the movie! But I seriously cannot stay still in the theater if it's not with a bucket of the stuff, and a huge one at that. Apologies.

And back home (yes, my new home in the Tiergarten) with some time to read while Dimple prepares luncheon. 

Happy Sunday Berlin!! 

Wednesday, 4 December 2024


What a great way to end a busy day ; the keller of course. Alma? I am sure I've seen her somewhere...

And no other than our beautiful (and very literate) Zoe, who has been travelling through the UK and France accompanied by the best boy in town (a book ... or two, they are not jealous and the best company ever)

And the 1920s couple par excellence, Tequila and her moustached "Solstice" as lovely as ever (though how I love pulling his leng by God, nor that he doesn't enjoy it also...)

It's uncunny how I always lose, even when I play against myself <sighs> 

and why was I so busy today, you wonder... are you ready? ...

yep... another property!!! this time ...

this time, to celebrate the successful (at last) take off of my latest novel, (The Vicious Robot, you can't miss it, you'll find it at every book store in town, what are you waiting for??) I rented a huge plot in the Tiergarten (Zeltenallee, 3), it costs an arm an a leg, but I can at last live in the luxury I deserve (until I run out of juice, then I will have to rid of another hus... I'll have to sell some furniture and stick to the city) 

And this is the house, unusual, made just for me, isn't she something? there is even a hidden room in there where all sorts of naughtiness happens. 

Sleep tight my darlings, don't let RL kick your ass. It's all a dream, all of it, try and enjoy while you can and ride swiftly the rest. 


PS _ feel free to visit, whether I am there or not, my homes are always unlocked. Enjoy




  Still trapped, but in the odd moments I allow myself to rest I am reading a curious thing. It's a magic book one of the veterans used ...