Friday, 14 January 2022



My RL driver's first flight in 3 years, and it had to be using me and in a virtual world. So beautiful though! Aviation in SL is advancing fast, thank you blue eyes. Shame I fainted on the landing ahem. 

I was having a mental conversation with Amelie, as you do, while this was going on, and what are the chances?? she was sailing in the same Sim I was flying? Apparently is very popular and I had never heard of it before. I have to get out more O_o

And then for puddings ... I was burnt alive !! Kind of a 'would you like to be our RP victim' situation....

I chose a bad day not to stop smocking ...

A little fire... nothing to worry about ... *cough*!

But Legion is close to give me a hand, or a breathing mask.

Preparing their large hoses ... I was already well cooked  by then.

where is the fire? I can't see any fire... did anyone say fire??

Mother of GOD ... I was BBQing myself somewhere in there.


more waterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Never been so happy to see a man holding his hose in my direction...

they have balls, and not the dancing ones !

more water! their bill must be stupendous !

Sophie casually stopping traffic in the meantime.

naughty Kitty, whatever you do, don't play with her tail.

In they go at last! 

My knight in a fireman armour ...
The day I became a sack of potatoes.

Am I even breathing? 

In I go! my RL driver has been pushed inside one of these twice before...
and ... by God! ambulances look the same!! let's hope my driver here is not  like the one in RL who got lost all over Surrey trying to find a certain hospital, in the town with more tiny roundabouts in the planet (factual, she was training, dammit)

Sophie giving me air... I hope she doesn't notice I am shaking like a leaf !
And back to the station it is! 


Maybe ice skating after a fire might not be such a good idea? Either I melt the ice, or I get very sick! Or ... I just get hugged by a handsome actor! I can live with that. — Berlin's Spree has frozen!

Look I found a coat left behind by some idiot ! *plays the Titanic scene long before Cameron created it*


/me sings 'that don't impress me much tu ru turuuuuu'. I am a much better skater lets face it.


'Please Mr. actor, can you hug me in color this time? much better'


And nothing like a whisky and a man reading the paper by your side to warm up after a long day. Well... there are a few other things but when the boy is too busy reading the paper  zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Night night Berliners, I seem to have problems closing my eyelids these days. Hope you don't <3


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  Still trapped, but in the odd moments I allow myself to rest I am reading a curious thing. It's a magic book one of the veterans used ...