Wednesday, 13 April 2022

Soak Your Troubles Away


Nothing like a soak in a beautiful pool all alone when the going gets tough.
There's a new spot in town all ready for the summer days, Berliners — well, a little out of town, in the Tiergarten to be precise - and it feels like heaven. More to come in an article for the Tageblatt soon.
Night night, for now, this crazy little woman has not managed any sleep when it is nearly 5 in the morning.

Monday, 11 April 2022

Herr Clarrington's Eggs

 Easter is here and this year Clarringon has set up a maze in the little park close to the Hof. I managed to get in an out without any help before Christmas, quite an achievement for somone able to get lost in a glass of water and celebrated my achievement by spending a few marks in delicious Clarrington's candy.

Herr Alf was there, Kohonnen? I never remember his surname but it sounds an awful lot like a very bad word in Spanish.

Herr Clarrington wore a mask that made him look like a very confused bunny—can't say I blame him, these times are enough to confuse the sharpest of bunnies.

 I hope you are all well and happy, Berliners.


  Still trapped, but in the odd moments I allow myself to rest I am reading a curious thing. It's a magic book one of the veterans used ...