Saturday, 10 August 2024


 Oh yeah mon dieu !!! El Dorado again, after a looooong time. And Pauline graced me with a dance (first time ever). 

Our Dorita, in one of my favorite costumes of hers, introduced the drag party next week, which this time includes a couple's section. Just as I am single for the first time in my life(s), I better rush! I have six days, arrffff

Miss Kelly Callaghan making me miss the Deep South... ahem, she's gone a long way since the first time she set foot on that stage. Lovely performance, and lovely tunes by Herr Byron as always. I was too hypnotized to remember taking some naughty photos, sorry.

Cice minus Oda, poor thing. He is not quite the same when she is missing. And my lovely Pauline!!! aysss so many lovely ladies and so little time!

And the smoldering Herr Byron of course, with his impeccable taste in music, and, errr... well looks of course <blush>

And the deliciously and completely irreverent Maxyyyyy with his magic ... ahem... fingers... I am talking about the piano of course <cough cough>

One of my favorite couples in the whole wild world, and then some: Dorita and Leigsha. 

Magical Mystery Tour and Malli

Here Moi playing it cool in front of the new cigarette boy (Ibo Carpenter Huysmans) who kindly let me smoke his cigar <grins>. To my right Daphne Anka (I hope I got her name right, I haven't been formally introduced and the bubbly has made my eyes... lazy)

Night night "beautifuls", my driver works tomorrow (I need to find myself another driver, mine is too boring. Any takers??) Sweet and saucy dreams, Berlin!! 

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  Still trapped, but in the odd moments I allow myself to rest I am reading a curious thing. It's a magic book one of the veterans used ...