Thursday, 19 September 2024



Renate Bathing by K. Vogel

Splendid morning: 

- Halloween preparations in Space

- Coffee in the little secret cafe behind the grocery store with Mitch who is back in Berlin and soon painting too.

- And, talking of painting, visit to the Solo Club where I met the creations of a new artist, K. Vogel! in an overzealous Mecenas-impulse I had to buy them all. Unfortunately, German Marks I have, prims (does anyone actually know what prims are? like... for real??) I don't, according to my RL driver. And therefore I had to store a few very cherished pieces including Sonatta's photo, which has accompanied me for years since I moved into this house. I could store the car away, and then I would have plenty of prims to decorate the whole house, but the car outside is a mark of distinction! of class even! and I have to somehow compensate my poor diction and behavior with a sad materialistic piece of metal for now. 

- And to finish the "hyper-procastinativity" attack, a bit of piano playing, watched by the characters of those magical paintings. yeah yeah... I'll go upstairs to write in a minute. I have promised Herr Toe to turn the dream I had last night into a story for his magazine. There's no escape now. 

Bis später

Big Daddy is back for the winter, less speed but also... less casualties including streetlamps in Berlin.

Perfect spot, so we can keep an eye on Big Daddy.

Herr Toe, who kindly donated the walls of his Solo Club so the new artist K. Vogel can delight us all (all but our prim-thirsty drivers).

What can I say, what can I say, I still have it... the car that is <cough cough > 

They look good, eh? and what about my pipesmokingpianoplaying style? unique, I know, the melodies sound a bit flat with only one hand but who cares when one looks that good... 


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  Still trapped, but in the odd moments I allow myself to rest I am reading a curious thing. It's a magic book one of the veterans used ...