Tuesday, 7 January 2025

An eventful end of year and happy 1929!!! ... again...

You'll have to forgive me, unfortunately they are in the wrong order.. mostly. 

My holiday home all snowed in.

A clue on what's coming this new year...

I happened to find a shower on the roof of the Lindenwirtin. what was a shower-head belonging to a nun doing at the top of a brothel is anybody's guess but Gi made the most of it as she visited to wish us all a happy 1929. She's got some balls. The bouncing ones, I don't want to imagine her lag....

Another old friend visiting, hello Ola ... 

Gorgeous Daphne after her performance last Saturday at El Dorado

The performance... don't moan. I did warn you they were in the wrong order <rolls her eyes>

El Dorado

El Solo Cabaret opened again! and Mikk attended with marzipan at the ready!!

And so did Batman... <Connie scratches her head, confused>

He seriously thought nobody would find out.... bloody commies

yep... my car wouldn't go after herr Cice tried to blow it up. Look at how innocent he looks ... bloody commies, bloody Italians..

I really don't know why he made that comment about my parking ...

At herr Blaisdale (Florian's) bar at the Wannsee, of course we continue to attend in Winter. We are nearly German by now!! I even run naked ...errr... forget it.

I am fascinated by this tradition of young men wearing shorts and long socks all winter instead of just getting their first pair of long trousers and normal looking socks. <shrugs> 

He's becoming a fine young man! apologies I can't remember his name though I have been meeting him for years. If anybody is kind enough please... 

Herr Cice too scared of me to sit down too close... to sit down at all! after blowing up my two cars.

Do you see that horrid thing on the bonnet of my Little Buggie? no? wait I'll run back closer to it.

Do you see it yet? do you recognize it? it's a bomb... ignited. And behind the vehicle directly in front of me... herr Cice in hiding. Bloody Commies. Bloody Italians !!

Another old-timer... Madame Tokiski Lasova!! ((Mrs BeenAround)), God bless her, she hasn't changed one bit. She must be preserved in all the tobacco and coffee she's consumed!

The most interesting face in Berlin... 

Another youngster growing too fast, bloody hell! Iben.

Four classics... Frau Jo of course behind the bar, the first lady on the left whose name escapes me also, and our beautiful Pauline and Dora.

Dorita waiting for the fireworks in New Years

I had to climb to her balcony, completely ossified, to capture this histerical... I mean historical moment... Frau Jo chilling before another session

There is a reason I am just standing here... and it's not the tram

There is a reason... I swear

I told you there was, I was spying on the couple... Oda and the bloody Italian having a go at each other. Shhh let me listen

No... of course I am not going to tell you what they said, but isn't she beautiful?

I felt a little worse for wear after New Year, I have no idea why...

I drive even better when a little ossified, and best when completely ossified!! I don't know what they are all going on about.

One of the 2 mysterious sold... officers from the charity ball who also turned up at the New Year's celebration. More on them later.

Our talented, and stilish.. Mae enjoying the fireworks

The other mysterious sold... officer !! (more on them later). And yes... for these photos I also had to climb through a balcony and this one a considerable distance away from the floor, at the very top of the Adlone. I wanted to enjoy the view from the penthouse, dammit! Maybe not the best of ideas to do so while wearing a Juliet costume and a mask half covering my eyes... and a few gallons of spirits 

Amazing views from the Penthouse... 

Moi... the idiot who thought this was a costume party just because they mentioned masks in the invitation.

Herr Blaisdale (Florian's) sister. Always so elegant. By God one can tell they are siblings, can't you?

Herr Sol and his Tequila, enjoying the fireworks from the street instead.

I bet the adorable Dorita had no idea she would spend the night being followed by no other than Juliet, and in a balcony of all places!

Shhh... yes ... it is them again... more on them later...

Frau Jo with one out of her only two dresses (I don't know why she bothered with the mask, there is no way in hell we will ever have problems recognizing her), and herr Blaisdale's sister again avoiding the camera by hiding behind the centerpiece.

Mae... our DJ... not sure what she was up to here... did she think she was still directing the orchestra from the night at the ballet? too much champagne, it happens to the best of us.

A mysterious French man with the strongest Italian accent and a fabulous mask I must steal from him next time he tries to blow my car. Yes... it's him.

Another mysterious French man who behaved like an ass with me and then couldn't get his face off of Mae's bosoms. Bloody French men too.

And moi... Juliet, drinking heartened champagne. yes heartened champange... it's not a typo. look at the bubbles, dammit, believe me now?

Here another lady doing God knows what to the rude French man... it's New Year's Eve people, don't judge. Whatever happens in New years stays in New years bladiblahdiblah

Moi considering a timely withdrawal, when I realized I was the only idiot in costume and that the rude French had decided to turn up at the party

And that's all for now, it's 03:00 am and this lady needs her beauty sleepzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
<Connie faints>

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  Still trapped, but in the odd moments I allow myself to rest I am reading a curious thing. It's a magic book one of the veterans used ...